Coach Tara

Professional. Athlete. Mama.

I have been a Doctor of Physical Therapy for 14 years. I love trail running, yoga, CrossFit, and olympic weightlifting. I have been racing ultra marathons since 2013, and competed in my first olympic weightlifting meet at age 35. I truly believe in a holistic, whole body approach to training for the best outcomes.

Despite having asthma since childhood, I have completed high-altitude ultra marathons such as the Ouray 50 and High Lonesome 100, with hard work, dedication, and the support of a great coach.

Exercise is a great stress management tool, but you need all of the pieces; nutrition, mobility, strength, support, and recovery, to be truly successful and ultimately become a better athlete and person. After becoming a Mom, it has become even more apparent how important all these pieces of the puzzle are, as well as being flexible and patient with your training!

Whether you want to run your first or 100th race, become stronger, prevent injuries , or find a more balanced way to move your body, I am here to support you.

Let me help you develop your grit and meet your big, scary goals head on!

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
― T.S. Eliot

  • Professional Education

    Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy Residency, 
Duke University

    Doctor of Physical Therapy

    Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Professional Certifications

    NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

    UESCA Certified Ultra Running Coach

    CrossFit Online Level 1 Trainer Certification

    200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification

    TRS Certified Movement and Mobility Specialist

  • Running and Competition

    Favorite Races- Ouray 50, High Lonesome 100, Bighorn 52 & 32, River of No Return 55k

    Bighorn 52 2021- 3rd Place Overall Female

    64 kg W35 MT State Olympic Weightlifting Champion 2021